2022 Programme

 Our 2022 programme was jam-packed with over 30 sessions including talks, workshops and cultural events. We spent the week learning from each other’s struggles and taking direct action against Shannon LNG.  

If you have a workshop, talk or event that you would like to facilitate for the 2023 Climate Camp, please email climatecampireland@gmail.com.You can view the programme by clicking on the day menus or reading the typed out version below. 

Programme of events

10-11am: Plenary

Rest of day: reconnecting, building, skill-sharing, stories around the campfire and doing some outreach in nearby towns. 

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Workshop: Secular yoga for all with Kathryn Crowley
Breathwork, movement, and relaxation to get you into your body and out of your head without needing to be skinny or bendy! Bring a mat, blanket, or sleeping bag.
Talk: Language and Placenames in North Kerry – Logainmneacha Chiarraí Thuaidh
Talk on language and placenames in North Kerry. Share knowledge of Irish language pronunciation and grammar whilst learning about the topography of the area

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Talk: Abolition Imagination space with Lee and Almi
Imagining a world without police, this will be a participatory workshop co-creating a vision for responding to harm without police or incarceration
Talk: Sustainable building & resource use
Farmer Kate Carmody & architect Marcus Mulvihill talk about sustainable building with a focus on hemp/hempcrete and wool.

8pm: Evening entertainment
Ceili with band

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Talk: Fracking, LNG and Mythbusting with Frack Action NY
Talk focused on fracking, LNG: process, impacts and myths
Workshop: Mutual Aid with Macremeire
MacramÉire are a mutual aid group who make Macramé plant hangers and volunteer crafts in order to raise funds for grassroots groups and those in the community who need it.
Workshop: Moving/sounding/thinking with Deirdre Murphy
Make some noise, move your body, investigate sensation and sound. Experimental and experiential practices for the energy which animates you!

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Workshop: Direct action training
Workshop: Unconditional Learning – Forest School for All with Diarmuid Griffin
Outdoor workshop for kids between 6-12 years old. Parents/guardians are free to join in the full spirit of experiential learning.
Training: How to talk to the media about climate
Environmental scientist Laura Kehoe leads a workshop on how to talk about climate to media – and to anyone 

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Talk: Teanga agus Talamh – Language and Land with Paul MacNeasa Ó Neill
Why is Language important for our relationshop to the land? What damage has colonialism done to that relationship through linguicide? How do we undo that damage?
Workshop: Climate Action flash mob with Angela Deegan
Let’s bring a spoken-word, climate action flash mob to the public! Come rehearse a few simple moves, percussion and hip-hop for a weekend flash mob!

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

8pm: Evening entertainment
Poetry performance with Sarah Clancy
Film night

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

Morning Session: 11am-1pm
Workshop: Weaving with willow with Éilís
Create your own bird feeders using simple willow weaving techniques. All ages welcome
Workshop: Direct action training
Actions workshop with Students’ Climate Action Network and Fridays For Future
Informal banner-making workshop whilst discussing past and future Youth Climate activities and strikes. Followed by Fridays for Future Friday strike at 1pm.

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Workshop: Building a movement with Community Action Tenants Union
This practical workshop explores how the CATU model of organising works and how it can be used to build sustainable and effective grassroots movements for radical change.
Talk: Rights of Nature in Ireland with Futureproof Clare
The concept and history of Rights of Nature will be presented. The moral underpinnings of RoN will be considered and applications of RoN for ongoing and future environmental campaigns discussed.
Workshop: Plant walk with Ania Hornowski
Practical outdoor workshop looking at edible and medicinal plants

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Strategy Café: Rights of Nature with Futureproof Clare
All are invited to a fully participative world café style discussion using the power of conversation to build a collective strategy for a Rights of Nature Movement in Ireland.

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

8pm: Evening entertainment
Live gig: The Deadlians

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Talk: Shannon LNG – the local context
Local campaigners John McElligott (Safety Before LNG) & Eoghan Harris (Future generations Kerry) speaking on the local context and implications of Shannon LNG
Talk: Rights of Nature and a Just Transition with Declan from EcoJustice Ireland
Rights of Nature and the Citizens Assembly – the urgent need for Irish constitutional change.
Workshop: Direct action training

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Talk: Big Tech, Data Centres & Climate with Slí Eile, Futureproof Clare, William Hederman and Gerry McGovern
Why is Ireland a dumping ground for data? What does it mean for our climate emissions and energy? And can we allow the internet to keep growing?

Talk: Food and Seed Sovereignty with Thomas O’Connor from Talamh Beo
Why we need to take fossil fuels out of our food production systems
Workshop: Root Down with Rob Ireson
A creative playful space of role play, story sharing, poetry and resilience building grounding exercises.

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Talk: Fracking and LNG: networking of local struggles against Ecocide with Shale Must Fall coalition & Frack Action NY
Local and international health, climate change impacts of the European/ Global LNG boom and how it is fueling neocolonialism and fossil fuel capitalism. An expo, film screening, discussion with strategising and networking.
Talk: Immigrant solidarity and social action with Brazilian Left Front
The collective will share experiences of life under precarized visa status and the challenges it poses to collective action.

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

From 8pm: Evening entertainment
Performance with Deirdre Murphy
Fire performance with Aidan Ring 
Music by The Deadlians and Amelian

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Workshop: Herb walk with Astrid Adler
An outdoor medicinal and food herb walk. Please bring small non-toothed knife if possible.
Direct action training

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop

Programme of events – the long version!

Tuesday 2nd August

10-11am: Plenary

Rest of day: reconnecting, building, skill-sharing, stories around the campfire and doing some outreach in nearby towns.

Wednesday 3rd August

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Workshop: Secular yoga for all with Kathryn Crowley
Breathwork, movement, and relaxation to get you into your body and out of your head without needing to be skinny or bendy! Bring a mat, blanket, or sleeping bag.  
Talk: Language and Placenames in North Kerry – Logainmneacha Chiarraí Thuaidh
Talk on language and placenames in North Kerry. Share knowledge of Irish language pronunciation and grammar whilst learning about the topography of the area

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Talk: Abolition Imagination space with Lee and Almi
Imagining a world without police, this will be a participatory workshop co-creating a vision for responding to harm without police or incarceration
Talk:Sustainable building & resource use
Farmer Kate Carmody & architect Marcus Mulvihill talk about sustainable building with a focus on hemp/hempcrete and wool.

8pm: Evening entertainment
Ceili with band

Thursday 4th August

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Talk: Fracking, LNG and Mythbusting with Frack Action NY
Talk focused on fracking, LNG: process, impacts and myths
Workshop: Mutual Aid with Macremeire
MacramÉire are a mutual aid group who make Macramé plant hangers and volunteer crafts in order to raise funds for grassroots groups and those in the community who need it.
Workshop: Moving/sounding/thinking with Deirdre Murphy
Make some noise, move your body, investigate sensation and sound. Experimental and experiential practices for the energy which animates you!

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Workshop: Direct action training
Workshop: Unconditional Learning – Forest School for All with Diarmuid Griffin
Outdoor workshop for kids between 6-12 years old. Parents/guardians are free to join in the full spirit of experiential learning.
Training: How to talk to the media about climate
Environmental scientist Laura Kehoe leads a workshop on how to talk about climate to media – and to anyone

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Talk: Teanga agus Talamh – Language and Land with Paul MacNeasa Ó Neill
Why is Language important for our relationshop to the land? What damage has colonialism done to that relationship through linguicide? How do we undo that damage?
Workshop: Climate Action flash mob with Angela Deegan
Let’s bring a spoken-word, climate action flash mob to the public! Come rehearse a few simple moves, percussion and hip-hop for a weekend flash mob!

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

8pm: Evening entertainment
Poetry performance with Sarah Clancy
Film night

Friday 5th August

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

Morning Session: 11am-1pm
Workshop: Weaving with willow with Éilís
Create your own bird feeders using simple willow weaving techniques. All ages welcome
Workshop: Direct action training
Actions workshop with Students’ Climate Action Network and Fridays For Future
Informal banner-making workshop whilst discussing past and future Youth Climate activities and strikes. Followed by Fridays for Future Friday strike at 1pm.

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Workshop: Building a movement with Community Action Tenants Union
This practical workshop explores how the CATU model of organising works and how it can be used to build sustainable and effective grassroots movements for radical change.
Talk: Rights of Nature in Ireland with Futureproof Clare
The concept and history of Rights of Nature will be presented. The moral underpinnings of RoN will be considered and applications of RoN for ongoing and future environmental campaigns discussed.
Workshop: Plant walk with Ania Hornowski
Practical outdoor workshop looking at edible and medicinal plants

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Strategy café: Rights of Nature with Futureproof Clare
All are invited to a fully participative world café style discussion using the power of conversation to build a collective strategy for a Rights of Nature Movement in Ireland.

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

8pm: Evening entertainment
Live gig: The Deadlians

Saturday 6th August

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Talk: Shannon LNG – the local context
Local campaigners John McElligott (Safety Before LNG) & Eoghan Harris (Future generations Kerry) speaking on the local context and implications of Shannon LNG
Talk: Rights of Nature and a Just Transition with Declan from EcoJustice Ireland
Rights of Nature and the Citizens Assembly – the urgent need for Irish constitutional change.
Workshop: Direct action training

3-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
Talk: Big Tech, Data Centres & Climate with Slí Eile, Futureproof Clare, William Hederman and Gerry McGovern
Why is Ireland a dumping ground for data? What does it mean for our climate emissions and energy? And can we allow the internet to keep growing?
Talk: Food and Seed Sovereignty with Thomas O’Connor from Talamh Beo
Why we need to take fossil fuels out of our food production systems
Workshop: Root Down with Rob Ireson
A creative playful space of role play, story sharing, poetry and resilience building grounding exercises.

5-6.30pm: Evening Session
Talk: Fracking and LNG: networking of local struggles against Ecocide with Shale Must Fall coalition & Frack Action NY
Local and international health, climate change impacts of the European/ Global LNG boom and how it is fueling neocolonialism and fossil fuel capitalism. An expo, film screening, discussion with strategising and networking.
Talk: Immigrant solidarity and social action with Brazilian Left Front
The collective will share experiences of life under precarized visa status and the challenges it poses to collective action.

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop
5:30-7pm: Creative drop-in session

8pm: Evening entertainment
Performance with Deirdre Murphy
Fire performance with Aidan Ring 
Music by The Deadlians and Amelian

Sunday 7th August

Workshop: Morning Tuning
Structured physical and vocal warm ups and grounding with Deirdre

10-11am: Plenary

11am-1pm: Morning Session
Workshop: Herb walk with Astrid Adler
An outdoor medicinal and food herb walk. Please bring small non-toothed knife if possible.
Direct action training

H-Edge Space
A radical art space for collective reflection & expression on the theme of how can we make social and ecological change together.
10-11am: Creative drop-in session
11-2:30pm: Lino print workshop
2:30-3:30pm: Eco-embodied collage workshop